I've been covering Bishop Lynch sports for about eight years now. Last night they hired a helicopter for me to go up in and shoot aerials of their new football field that they put in over the summer. Flying in a helicopter is a completely different experience than flying in a Cessna.... your visibility is much greater, being able to hover/float above a point is VERY cool, nothing like it.
A R22 Beta II helicopter.. no doors, just a seatbelt to hold you in. It's awesome. Photo by Brandon Wade
Downtown Dallas aerial as seen from above Bishop Lynch High School. Photo by Brandon Wade
Andy Reine, a BL parent who shoots a lot of BL events, got these great photos of me shooting aerials of the new BL football field. Thanks Andy!
Brandon Wade photographs aerials of Bishop Lynch High School's new football field from a helicopter Friday, September 3, 2010. Photo by Andy Reine
Brandon Wade photographs aerials of Bishop Lynch High School's new football field from a helicopter Friday, September 3, 2010. Photo by Andy Reine